Sleeping in Airports

Tag - Singapore Changi Airport

sleeping in singapore airport

ASIA: Most Popular Airports for Sleeping 2024

Air travel throughout Asia often includes long layovers, unexpected delays, or early morning flights, making the ability to sleep in an airport a valuable asset for weary travellers. While a few airports offer sleep...

Istanbul Airport

2019 in Review: New Airport and Terminal Openings

As frequent flyers, we’re always fascinated by the emerging trends that keep passengers happy, relaxed and entertained at airports and terminals across the globe. Here we take a look back at 5 new airport and...

airport christmas

Most Festive Airports to Visit at Christmas

With holidays just around the corner, many airports are not only at their busiest but at their best, too. From lavish decorations and sparkling Christmas trees to carol-singers and Santa visits, airports around the...

Istanbul Layover Tours

Top 6 Airports Offering Free Layover Tours!

We all know that long layovers are made infinitely better when you can get out of the terminal and check out the sights on a mini layover vacation. But, sometimes the hassle of navigating public transport, figuring out...

Hong Kong Airport children's area

Traveling with Children: 10 Kid-Friendly Airports

We’ve all been there. While family vacations are wonderful, there is that moment on route where you are just not positive the entire family will make it there in once piece. Whether it is because one sibling seems...

haven by jetquay lounge entry

New Pay-Per-Use Lounge Opens at Singapore Changi Airport

The fact that another pay-per-use lounge has opened at Singapore Changi Airport may not seem like a newsworthy event at first. However, its location is great news for travellers who are looking for comfort in the public...