Sleeping in Airports

Tag - Rome Fiumicino Airport

EUROPE: Most Popular Airports for Sleeping 2024

In Europe, air travel often entails dealing with early morning flights, significant layover times, or unpredictable delays, making the ability to rest in an airport a valuable skill for weary flyers. These 20 European...

Rome Fiumicino Airport: xray

8 Bizarre Things That Really Happened At The Airport

Millions of people pass through airports every year and the law of averages suggests that a few of these experiences are going to be unconventional. With the inherent madness of the airports themselves, it’s no surprise...

Rome Fiumicino Airport: xray

Sleeping Passenger Goes Through Airport X-ray

Well, this airport adventure is a little different than most. The internet is abuzz over a recent report that a Norwegian tourist was caught passed out sleeping on a moving baggage belt at Rome’s Fiumicino Airport...