by ColoradoCane
the worst part of the experience was when an extremely intoxicated gentleman decided to pass out but 5 feet from me.
After flying into Stansted around 11:40pm and knowing that I had to catch a midnight bus in order to make it home for the evening I rushed off the plane, but knew I wasn’t going to make it once I met the massive line at customs. The next bus was at 5:00am so I had to sack up and spend the night on the ice cold floor in the main terminal near check in. Unfortunately, so did what seemed like hundreds if not thousands of other travelers. I found a spot up against a wall and tried to lay down. However, the noise was far too loud with so many other travelers, the ground was ice cold, and it didn’t help I was trying to sleep on a rock hard floor. However, perhaps the worst part of the experience was when an extremely intoxicated gentleman decided to pass out but 5 feet from me. He was incredibly drunk (I am not sure how he got that way since all of the bars in the airport were closed), and slurring his words. Within minutes he was completely passed out. Once he had fallen asleep I figured the situation would simply resolve itself, he would miss his flight and I would leave. Unfortunately, the man urinated in his sleep all over himself. A massive pool of piss slowly but surely was making its way to me forcing me to gather all of my belongings and move out of the way. Within minutes the man was being questioned by police, but could not even keep his eyes open and was kicked out of the airport. Within 30 minutes a machine driven by an airport service worker came driving by having to clean it all up. The machine sounded like it had a jet engine. After the machine was gone my bus was scheduled to arrive in an hour, and there was no going to sleep. I just hoped I wasn’t going to freeze to death.
Definitely one of the worst nights of my life!